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Does Big Data Affect Our Daily E-Commerce Experience?


Marketers and retailers often use big data in ways that can be unsettling. For example, a simple Google search on a particular topic can lead to you being bombarded with targeted ads on that subject for days. However, the vast data collected on individuals is not always malicious. In the realm of e-commerce, big data can actually enhance your ability to find products quickly and easily.

Here are some positive ways in which big data influences e-commerce.

Personalized Experience

While it can be disconcerting to receive targeted ads when you’re not actively shopping, when you are looking for a specific product, it’s beneficial for e-commerce sites to personalize your search results based on your internet habits. This can significantly reduce the time it takes to find what you need. Companies like Amazon excel in using big data to provide personalized product recommendations, enhancing the overall shopping experience.

Product Evaluation

Most e-commerce sites encourage customers to provide feedback on their purchases, which generates a large pool of reviews. Analyzing these reviews helps prospective buyers make informed decisions. Big data allows for the aggregation and analysis of these reviews, giving valuable insight into the quality of a product before making a purchase.

Cost-Saving Opportunities

Applying big data analytics to e-commerce can help consumers find additional opportunities for savings, making online shopping even more cost-effective. Tools like Honey and Best Deals Today enable users to find discounts and apply coupon codes, saving them time and money.

Benefits of Providing Information

The more information you provide to big data-driven analytics, the better e-commerce sites can cater to your needs. This level of personalization is unavailable in traditional brick-and-mortar stores, contributing to their struggle in the online era.

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