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From Chaos to Clarity: The Power of Cloud Governance


Embracing cloud technology is now a common move in the IT evolution and most companies are harnessing advanced cloud services. However, maintaining robust governance and ensuring data security is challenging and requires ongoing attention and adjustments.

Stakeholders often assume that the cloud works like their traditional on-premise environments. The reality is that the cloud is a whole new world.

It’s not just about moving to the cloud; it’s about reshaping the way we think about IT governance and security.

Just like an explorer in uncharted territory, we need a new map to navigate this complicated cloud landscape.

The Importance of Cloud Governance

Cloud governance involves specific processes, rules, and management strategies that help transition to and maintain a cloud environment. It is like setting up a control center for managing your company’s cloud journey. A cloud governance committee’s tasks include designing cloud management processes, selecting the right tools and vendors, providing overall supervision, and managing costs.

Effective cloud governance leads to increased productivity, enhanced security, easier compliance with regulations, and improved innovation and business growth.

Risks of Neglected Cloud Governance

Failure to incorporate governance into your cloud strategy can lead to risks such as security vulnerabilities, unexpected cost overruns, compliance violations, inefficiencies, and difficulty updating tech.

Poor Governance Next Steps

If you are experiencing the effects of poor governance or cloud chaos, here are some practical steps forward:

Create Independent Committees

An independent committee is necessary to own cloud migration and maintenance processes because the cloud is constantly changing.

Carefully Consider Your Cloud Governance Committee

Members of the cloud governance committee should have cloud experience and knowledge to develop and enforce security protocols, compliance standards, and operational guidelines.

Focus Your Cloud Governance Committee on Specific Objectives

Your cloud governance committee must function autonomously to ensure key objectives are prioritized when transitioning to the cloud.

Get Outside Help

Moving to cloud computing demands considerable expertise and experience. Seeking external expertise can offer fresh perspectives.

Implement a Strong Executive Sponsor

A governance committee needs a decisive executive sponsor with authority to enforce decisions.

Don’t Wait to Implement Cloud Governance

Implementing cloud governance earlier would prevent disruptive financial and organizational overhauls and is essential for companies under regulatory standards.

Proper governance is the core component of a well-operating cloud computing system. It’s the key to avoiding risks and maintaining operational performance at the top level.

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