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How To Secure Your IoT Devices And Why Should You Do It


The IoT technology is not only taking over the industry, but it’s also infiltrating our households. The number of IoT devices is rapidly increasing every day, all aimed at providing us with the ability to control everything with the touch of a button.

No problems so far in the IoT home device plan, right?

Well, things aren’t always as simple as they seem, and there’s a downside to digitalizing our entire existence.

This is where security becomes crucial—in order to fully benefit from the opportunities offered by IoT, it is essential to learn how to secure our devices, especially those connected to our homes.

In this article, we will discuss some of the consequences of not securing your IoT devices from hackers, as well as ways to prevent this from happening.

The Consequences

First and foremost, before discussing how to avoid hackers from getting into your IoT devices, let’s go over some of the consequences of not securing them.

Since 2015, when IoT devices started to gain popularity, the technology has been a controversial subject. The FBI recently issued a warning, emphasizing that these devices can be as dangerous as they are useful. The potential dangers include cybercrime, physical safety threats, and home break-ins resulting from unsecured IoT devices.

The Security Measures to Avoid a Breach

From basic to advanced security measures, here are some important steps to secure your Internet of Things devices:

  • PasswordsSetting strong, non-default passwords is crucial. Use a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, and consider using a password manager for added security.
  • Secured connections. Utilize a virtual private network (VPN) for secure internet connections that are tailored to your specific devices.
  • Updates. Regularly install updates provided by manufacturers to enhance security measures.
  • Access. Limit internet access to your home network when not required.
  • UPnP. Consider turning off the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) feature on devices like printers, cameras, and routers to minimize vulnerability to cyberattacks.
  • Cloud services. Be cautious with IoT devices that heavily rely on cloud services, as continuous internet access is required for cloud access, presenting security risks.

The Security Measures After a Breach

In the event of a security breach or after experiencing one, the following steps can help minimize the impact and prevent future breaches:

  • Guard the critical data. Protect the most critical data first before attempting to regain control over the entire system.
  • Retain the attack. Separate the breached section from the rest of the system by changing passwords and activating two-factor authentication.
  • Notify everyone affected. Promptly inform affected parties to enable them to take necessary security measures.
  • Learn from the breach. Review the breach to identify vulnerabilities in your security system and take corrective action.

Understanding the importance of securing IoT devices is crucial. By taking the necessary security measures, we can minimize the impact of potential breaches and contribute to a safer digital environment.

If you found this information helpful, consider sharing it on social media to help raise awareness about the significance of securing IoT devices.

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