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Analysis of Users of Applications for macOS


User research is crucial for understanding people’s behavior, needs, and motivations. UX designers focus on creating a clear interface, but product managers and marketing departments also play a key role in studying user habits and improving the interface. This article is based on the experience of Nektony, a software development company, in developing Mac cleanup applications. It discusses how users were selected for in-depth interviews and analysis of applications, and how the resulting data led to changes in the products.

A common mistake when analyzing users

In the past, changes to products were often based on subjective opinions, which may not align with the usage scenarios of real users. It is essential to understand the pain points of customers and ask for their feedback to improve the product.

How to choose interviewees

Nektony initially showed their products to friends and colleagues, but later focused on real users who had contacted their technical support service. These users had already interacted with the company, remained satisfied, and were willing to share their thoughts to improve the product.

Stage 1: Gathering contacts to whom we will write about the interview

Contact selection was based on the level of loyalty to the company, which indicates the user’s willingness to participate in an interview. Contacts were obtained from the support service, where loyal clients were identified and listed.

Stage 2: Sending letters and preparing for the interview

Personalized letters were sent out, and additional incentives were offered to users for their time. The preparation involved scripting and creating a friendly atmosphere for the interview process.

Stage 3: The interview

The primary goal was to understand the user, their behavior, and the value they found in the application. Questions were used to gather relevant information.

Unexpected results from interviews

Insights from user responses, such as preferences for sound effects and animations, led to unexpected changes in the products. Users’ expectations differed from the company’s assumptions, highlighting the need for user-focused development.

Stage 4: First prototypes and repeat interviews

After analyzing user feedback, prototypes were created, and user reactions were observed. Final decisions were made based on the feedback received during the interview process.

Examples of changes based on interview results

The application interfaces were modified based on user needs identified in the interviews. Changes were made in the App Cleaner & Uninstaller, Duplicate File Finder, Disk Space Analyzer, and MacCleaner Pro applications.

Final recommendations

It is advisable to transcribe each interview and use tools such as the Value Proposition Canvas to understand user values and needs. Collaboration with other product managers, attention to user experience, and insights from technical support were recommended for successful product development.

We hope that our experience and examples are helpful and provide valuable insights for your own projects.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

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