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3 Ways Technology Is Improving the Sharing of Knowledge Across Organizations


Workplace stress is increasing, with people’s actual workload responsible for 46 percent of this stress, according to the American Institute of Stress. Workplace relationships and job security also contribute to this stress.

We’ve never been more connected to our jobs.

We are closely connected to our jobs, co-workers, and the information required to perform our duties. However, this increased access comes with a cost— the stress and energy expended in searching for and processing information.

The overwhelmed employee.

Deloitte first identified “the overwhelmed employee” as a workplace trend in 2014. The study revealed that, despite employees constantly being connected, most companies have not made information easily accessible. “Nearly three-quarters (72 percent) of employees have reported that they still cannot find the information they need within their company’s information systems.”

Could technology be both the cause and the solution to this problem?

Consumer tech often garners more attention due to its appeal, but its application in businesses and organizations can have a far-reaching impact. For instance, automation can save businesses an estimated $4 billion annually. This not only saves money but also streamlines information and knowledge throughout the organization, leading to reduced stress.

Emerging technology can facilitate easier collaboration among employees.

Empowering employees to solve problems independently and automate less critical tasks allows them to focus on knowledge-intensive responsibilities, making their jobs easier and more effective, reducing their stress, and contributing to the company’s success and revenue.

Here are three technological developments that are enabling teams to share knowledge more effectively and efficiently.

1. AI Allows Mentors to Pay Closer Attention to Students.

AI and machine learning are already being utilized in various business areas and learning environments. It’s natural to combine these applications and focus on utilizing AI for knowledge management in businesses.

In any education-focused setting, AI can automate administrative and low-cognitive tasks, such as delivering or analyzing content and organizing information. This frees up teachers, mentors, and managers to engage in more one-on-one communication and mentoring with employees.

For example, at Georgia Tech, a chatbot was deployed to handle basic student inquiries, allowing human teaching staff to focus on more complex questions.

2. Virtual Training Allows Organizations to Maintain Consistent Education.

Virtual training standardizes education across the entire organization, ensuring consistent onboarding and ongoing training processes even in large companies with various teams, stakeholders, and multiple offices.

Using webinar tools for onboarding sessions and training sessions, as demonstrated by the gaming marketplace G2A, has facilitated better communication and engagement with employees and customers alike.

3. Smart Products Enhance Accessibility of Remote Learning.

Smart products that are commonly used in homes have diversified applications in the workplace, making telelearning more accessible and affordable, particularly for small businesses that may otherwise struggle with resource-intensive in-person training sessions.

Smart products facilitate conducting business via webinars or teleseminars and enable access to on-demand data and information using voice-powered virtual assistants like Alexa for Business.

Connecting, Teaching and Working.

The abundance of information available to workers today can be overwhelming, but technology has the potential to simplify processes. Business leaders are well-positioned to provide the necessary concepts for their teams to carry out their tasks effectively.

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