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Blockchain Beyond Banking


Bitcoin and other forms of digital currency have placed blockchain technology in the spotlight primarily in the financial sector. However, this is just one area where blockchain shows potential. The technology’s impact spans across various industries and business processes.

Blockchain technology offers a rational and technologically driven approach to removing intermediaries from different types of transactions, which can result in significant operational efficiency for businesses. Sectors like retail and supply chains are already experiencing the impact of blockchain technology.

This technology is rapidly revolutionizing numerous industries, presenting both consumers and business leaders with a challenge to keep up. It has the potential to replace existing revenue streams and introduce new ones, prompting companies to embrace it in order to remain competitive.

Capitalizing on the Blockchain

Senior executives incorporating blockchain into their operations are beginning to see several operational improvements, including:

  1. Cost reduction: The blockchain eliminates the need for intermediaries in direct transactions, enabling more cost-effective processes for businesses through smart contracts.
  2. Reduced errors: A shared ledger builds trust between buyers and sellers, benefiting legitimate businesses.
  3. Faster cycle times: Smart contracts execute actions automatically and instantly when agreed-upon conditions are met, reducing verification times and accelerating execution speeds.

However, the most transformative aspect of blockchain technology goes beyond these operational benefits: the creation of new revenue streams.

For example, SWIFT, a provider of financial messaging services, initiated a Proof of Concept in 2017 aimed at simplifying cross-border payments. The current protocol is slow, especially for the unbanked, presenting an opportunity for blockchain technology to create new revenue streams, such as accepting cryptocurrencies for remittances.

Blockchain technology also has the potential to revolutionize the music industry by automating artist royalties through smart contracts, which can address issues related to digital rights management and royalty payments.

Additionally, major utility companies are exploring blockchain energy solutions for a peer-to-peer energy network, allowing electric companies to potentially trade energy with consumers on the blockchain, bypassing traditional intermediaries.

While blockchain technology presents significant opportunities, it also poses challenges for existing businesses, such as banks potentially facing a reduction or elimination of transaction fees. Despite the attention on cryptocurrency, blockchain technology is rapidly expanding across various industries, and business executives should consider launching pilot programs to adapt to this change.

Blockchain technology extends far beyond cryptocurrencies and is poised to disrupt various industries beyond financial institutions. The potential applications are numerous, and the benefits are evident. So, what is stopping you from embracing this transformation?

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