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NSA says cybersecurity will gain many benefits with generative AI


Can generative AI be a powerful tool in the battle against cyber threats? The NSA believes it can. Cyber attackers are becoming increasingly skilled at causing harm online, and the use of generative AI is seen as a valuable weapon in combating these threats. Rob Joyce, director of cybersecurity at the US NSA agency, emphasized the significant advantages of using generative AI to identify malicious activity and highlighted its potential for security personnel.

Generative AI has been widely used by cybercriminals over the past year, with efforts to improve fraud and scams. However, the NSA asserts that incorporating generative AI in cybersecurity will bring substantial benefits in countering attacks and cracking down on global cyber criminal activities.

Generative AI in Cybersecurity to Provide Enhanced Benefits to Security

Generative AI has enabled malicious actors to launch highly sophisticated and targeted social engineering attacks. Concerns have been raised about the increased use of AI in phishing attacks, with warnings that hackers will use technology to refine their techniques and deceive users. Rob Joyce has assured that national security bodies are effectively using AI tools and that cybersecurity experts are leveraging generative AI to counter criminal activities.

During a cybersecurity conference, Joyce provided examples and use cases to demonstrate the effectiveness of using AI to combat internet-based threats posed by seemingly innocuous accounts. While generative AI is not a one-size-fits-all solution and cannot compensate for incompetence, it is proving to be a valuable asset for cybersecurity practitioners.

Featured Image Credit: Cottonbro Studio; Pexels

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