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4 Ways AI Is Reshaping the Future of Health Care


With a growing number of individuals in need of high-quality healthcare and a decreasing number of healthcare providers, many care providers are exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) as a resource for delivering precise, efficient, and effective treatments. AI has the potential to expand the reach and efficiency of care providers, potentially addressing talent shortages around the world.

The Current State of Health Care

Dr. Richard Biehl, instructor of Healthcare Systems Engineering at the University of Central Florida, recently discussed the doctor shortage in an article published on The Hill. He highlighted the potential impact of the current administration’s plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), suggesting that it could worsen the provider shortage crisis.

To address this challenge, healthcare providers are considering the use of AI through various mediums to bridge the gap between patients and health care providers. There are several ways AI can assist with the physician shortage, including robotics and improved diagnostics. The following sections outline four ways that artificial intelligence is reshaping the future of health care.

Transformation 1: Improved Diagnostic Procedures

AI technology may replace the need for biological tissue samples in many diagnostic procedures, reducing the risks associated with invasive procedures. This technology could provide physicians with detailed information about tumors using image-based diagnostics, potentially allowing them to better understand the impact of tumors on patients.

Transformation 2: The Introduction of Brain-Computer Interfaces

Scientists are exploring the development of direct interfaces between the human brain and computers, which could benefit patients who have lost the ability to speak, move, or interact with their environment due to accidents or neurological diseases. This technology has the potential to restore functionality for affected patients and enable them to communicate and use common devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers.

Transformation 3: Decreasing the Cost of Caregiving

Artificial intelligence could potentially save health care organizations $150 billion annually by 2026, according to Accenture. AI has the potential to leverage information from connected medical devices and networks, helping organizations cut costs and improve treatment outcomes. As the field of AI matures, treatment outcomes and operational efficiency of care organizations may improve, leading to lower costs and improved community health outcomes.

Transformation 4: Automation of Repetitive Tasks

AI technology could help health care organizations find new correlations among massive amounts of data, automating repetitive tasks and streamlining operations in innovative ways. This could lead to faster and more precise services, making use of the valuable patient information generated by hospitals and medical devices to promote better community health outcomes and enhance the effectiveness of the healthcare network.

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