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AI Is Humanity’s Trojan Horse: Alluring at First, Dangerous Down the Road


Whenever new technology emerges, especially in the realm of information technology, it is often met with suspicion. The fear of how it will impact human life has been consistent through history, from the printing press to early computers and cars. Despite the initial concerns, many information technologies have ultimately made positive contributions to the modern world.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently in its early stages, and like previous transformative technologies, there is a mixture of excitement and apprehension about its potential. As AI continues to evolve over the next few decades, it is expected to follow a trajectory similar to other groundbreaking inventions. While there will be warnings about both its incredible potential and potential risks, in the long run, AI is likely to bring overall positive benefits to society.

In the short term, narrow AI, which is proficient at specific tasks, is likely to provide valuable benefits in the near future, despite being relatively rudimentary at present. However, the real interest and concern lie in the development of general AI, which has the potential for both incredible advancements as well as significant risks.

The practical impact of AI has primarily been in natural language and image processing, two areas that have posed challenges for traditional computers. Narrow AI has improved the efficiency of various tasks, which has had a positive impact on businesses.

In the near future, AI is expected to bring about major advances in the fields of self-driving cars and AI-driven medicine, potentially saving millions of lives. Self-driving cars have the potential to significantly reduce the mortality rate from traffic accidents, while AI in medicine could revolutionize drug development and personalized treatments, ultimately reducing costs and risks.

Challenges will arise as the technology develops, with concerns about job displacement and the creation of a misinformation ecosystem. The resentment against AI for taking over human jobs and the difficulty in verifying the authenticity of information produced by machines are likely to be significant issues.

In the long term, the development of super AI poses the biggest threat. While the timeline for achieving human-level or better performance in most tasks is uncertain, there is potential for widespread displacement of human labor and a shift towards a society potentially ruled by misinformation.

There is a need to start a conversation about how to deal with general AI, addressing the potential risks while also exploring effective safeguards that could control any conceivable superintelligence.

The road ahead with AI is filled with potential benefits and risks, and it is crucial to thoroughly understand and address these challenges for the betterment of society.

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