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Enterprises and AI Need to Connect Better – Here’s Why


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a topic of broad interest, attracting attention from developers, data scientists, journalists, and users worldwide. Entrepreneurs are recognizing the benefits of AI in various aspects of daily life, such as virtual assistants, mobile technology, entertainment, healthcare, and insurance. As a result, there has been a significant increase in demand for companies to integrate AI technology into their operations.

Prior to the widespread adoption of AI, there was speculation about its potential to disrupt industries and replace human jobs. However, AI serves to complement human capabilities by improving efficiency and eliminating unnecessary challenges. It can assist enterprises in tasks such as error reduction, data management, medical applications, and repetitive tasks, allowing human counterparts to focus on more impactful endeavors. According to a report by PwC, AI is projected to boost the global economy by up to $15.7 trillion by 2030 through productivity and personalization improvements.

Major tech companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Baidu, and Microsoft have made significant progress in adopting AI, using AI tools and frameworks to create innovative products. The success of these tech giants has inspired other enterprises to explore AI integration. However, developing AI technology in-house is often costly in terms of time and resources. Consequently, many enterprises are looking to AI startups that have already developed and refined the technology they need. Yet, finding the right startups with the right innovations can be a challenging and time-consuming process.

The pursuit of AI startups is not one-sided, as startups are also keen to collaborate with large enterprises to scale their operations. However, the traditional process of making this happen is quite cumbersome. The complexities involved in implementation have led to only 15% of enterprises currently using AI, despite 80% of executives seeing AI as a strategic opportunity. Fortunately, 31% of enterprises plan to adopt AI within the next 12 months as they seek to make the Proof of Concept (PoC) process more efficient.

Toby Olshanetsky, CEO of prooV, which aims to simplify the PoC process, notes, “PoCs are something both enterprises and startups want, but the process isn’t getting easier. With all the noise in today’s ecosystem, enterprises are finding it more difficult to run effective PoCs. The demand for AI today is equal to how badly those AI startups need new clients, and that’s an opportunity for both sides of the ecosystem.”

Ultimately, enterprise corporations seek efficiency, productivity, and increased profitability. AI implementation is increasingly recognized as a means to achieve these objectives. The accelerated pace of AI adoption underscores the importance for all enterprises to embrace AI to stay ahead of the curve.

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