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OpenAI’s court filing counters Elon Musk’s lawsuit allegations


OpenAI has made a formal reply to Elon Musk’s legal actions, characterizing Musk’s claims as being based on convoluted and often unclear facts. This response was part of a court filing in San Francisco that came after Musk filed a lawsuit against the AI research company, the CEO Sam Altman, and President Greg Brockman. Musk’s lawsuit alleges that OpenAI has strayed from its original objective of creating responsible AI technology and has become overly reliant on its major investor, Microsoft Corp.

In a detailed blog post with emails from Musk to OpenAI employees, the company directly addressed these accusations last week. A fundamental aspect of OpenAI’s defense is that Musk’s claims lack a solid basis due to the absence of a founding or formal agreement with Musk, contrary to what his lawsuit implies.

“The remedies that Musk is seeking are as remarkable as his claims are fabricated,” OpenAI mentioned in the court documents, as Bloomberg reported. The filing also criticized Musk’s legal requests, such as a significant restructuring of OpenAI and a redistribution of its technology based on an alleged breached “fictional agreement” according to Musk.

Furthermore, OpenAI’s response warned about the potential for Musk to leverage the legal discovery process to gain access to confidential proprietary information and technology of OpenAI. The company stressed the importance of strict supervision to safeguard OpenAI’s intellectual property and operational secrets from being compromised by any of Musk’s discovery requests.

This legal dispute unfolds amid ongoing discussions about the governance of artificial intelligence technology and its moral implications. Musk, a former co-founder of OpenAI, who has since taken on a less active role, has openly criticized the speed and path of AI advancement, alerting about the possible dangers linked to uncontrolled progress in AI technology.

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