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Gen Z are turning to ChatGPT for career advice


Many Gen Z employees are turning to the AI chatbot ChatGPT for assistance as they navigate the early stages of their professional careers.

This generation is quickly growing in the workforce, yet they often feel dissatisfied with the support and guidance provided by their superiors.

Individuals born between 1997 and 2012 have stated that they find more valuable career advice from sources such as friends, family, Google, social media, and AI. A recent report by INTOO and Workplace Intelligence revealed that nearly half (47%) of them prefer seeking advice from ChatGPT due to a perceived lack of interest in their career development from managers.

Common complaints about managers include being more focused on their own career progression and lacking the know-how to assist in employee role development. Surprisingly, 62% of respondents express a desire to have more career-related discussions with their managers, but cite their managers’ busyness as a barrier.

Despite seeking additional support from their organizations, Gen Z employees feel that current learning and development programs fall short of their expectations. While 80% believe that companies should offer self-paced learning courses, only 49% of companies are actively considering this approach.

Due to unmet expectations for career advancement opportunities, HR experts predict that a significant portion of employees, particularly from Gen Z, may consider leaving their jobs within the next six months due to a perceived lack of career support.

Effective Ways for Managers to Support Generation Z

As the younger workforce demographic continues to grow, HR consultants emphasize the importance for current managers to acknowledge the diverse needs of each individual.

Stacie Haller, Chief Career Advisor at Resume Builder, highlighted the necessity for companies to engage in conversations with new employees regarding their aspirations and long-term goals right from the onboarding process.

Implementing mentorship programs is also recommended to offer ongoing guidance and support to employees navigating the corporate world.

Featured image: Ideogram

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