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Now AI is outperforming humans when it comes to creativity


An emerging study suggests that Artificial Intelligence has showcased capabilities in ‘creative thought,’ outshining human participants.

A recent research project carried out by University of Arkansas PhD students compared the divergent thinking abilities of 151 individuals against the ChatGPT-4 AI.

Divergent thinking, known for fostering creative and imaginative processes, involves generating ideas and exploring potential solutions to real or abstract problems.

The investigation found that the multimodal language model developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT-4, offered more innovative and detailed responses compared to the human participants.

The study involved tasks such as suggesting novel uses for common objects, envisioning outcomes of hypothetical situations, and identifying unrelated noun pairs to test creative thinking.

The researchers analyzed response length and semantic variation between words and concluded that ChatGPT-4 exhibited greater originality and complexity in divergent thinking tasks, even when adjusting for response fluency.

Although the study provides initial insights into AI’s creative potential, further exploration is necessary to fully understand its capabilities.

Researchers Highlight Some Considerations

In their findings, researchers Kent F. Hubert, Kim N. Awa, and Darya L. Zabelina urge caution and acknowledge some limitations.

In a recent press release from the University of Arkansas, the authors emphasize that while the study assessed creative potential, engaging in creative activities or achieving creative accomplishments is another crucial aspect of measuring an individual’s creativity.

They point out that unlike humans, AI lacks independent agency and relies on human interaction. Consequently, the creative potential of AI may remain static without human intervention to stimulate it.

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