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Mozilla introduces Monitor Plus to safeguard personal data from data brokers


Mozilla, the group behind the well-known Firefox browser, is enhancing its data privacy efforts by launching Monitor Plus, a subscription service designed to assist users in regaining control of their personal data from data brokers. This announcement was made in a press release today, expanding on Mozilla Monitor, which was initially a free tool that alerted users to any data breaches involving their email addresses.

Data brokers, entities that gather and sell personal information, often operate discreetly online, dealing in details such as phone numbers, email addresses, and home addresses. Removing personal information from these platforms is typically intricate, leaving many unsure about how to safeguard their privacy effectively.

Monitor Plus simplifies this process by actively scanning more than 190 data broker sites for users’ personal data. If it detects information like names, locations, and birthdates, Mozilla will manage the removal process, which might take anywhere from a day to a month. This functionality is part of the Monitor Plus subscription, which costs $13.99 per month or $8.99 per month ($107.88/year) at a discounted annual rate.

For users not yet ready to subscribe, Mozilla Monitor will still offer a one-time complimentary scan, walking users through the manual removal steps. This method not only educates users about data brokers but also showcases the convenience of the subscription service for those seeking a more hands-off approach.

Both free and paid users will receive alerts about data breaches, along with additional tools provided to manage high-risk exposures. “When we introduced Monitor, our aim was to help individuals uncover where their personal information might have been compromised. Now, with Monitor Plus, we will aid people in reclaiming their exposed data from data broker platforms looking to sell it,” stated Tony Amaral-Cinotto, Product Manager of Mozilla Monitor.

To utilize this service, users need to provide Mozilla with basic personal information, which is encrypted and managed in line with Mozilla’s privacy policy. Currently, Monitor Plus is exclusively accessible to users in the U.S. The significance of such a tool is stressed by the company, citing that 233 million people experienced data breaches in 2024 alone.

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