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Beyond Remote Security: 6 Smarter Uses for Your VPN


You have installed a free VPN to secure your online activities. However, there are more ways to make the most out of your VPN beyond just remote security.

VPNs, or virtual private networks, are primarily used by companies to safeguard sensitive data from unauthorized access. By channeling your internet connection through remote servers, a VPN shields your online footprint from outsiders. Companies utilize VPNs to hide IP addresses from potential cyber threats and enhance their cybersecurity. Once you have experienced the benefits of a free VPN, it is advisable to explore and invest in one of the best VPN services for long-term usage.

While enhanced security is crucial for businesses with remote employees handling confidential information, VPNs offer more versatile functions beyond securing file uploads to shared folders.

VPNs Can Do More

Here are some creative ways to utilize your VPN:

1. Bypass ISP Throttling.

Internet service providers often offer costly packages to businesses, ensuring maximum uptime. However, they may slow down your connection if they disapprove of certain online services you use. Using a VPN can circumvent ISP throttling under specific conditions, protecting you from artificially reduced speeds caused by services that compete with your ISP.

2. Unlock Travel Discounts.

Travel websites might show varying prices for the same flights and accommodations depending on the device you use. By using a VPN to mask your location, you can access unbiased pricing and potentially save on travel expenses for your business.

3. Overcome Censorship Laws.

In regions with strict internet regulations, VPNs can reroute your traffic to access unrestricted online content. It is crucial to adhere to local laws regarding VPN usage, especially in countries like China where unauthorized VPNs are prohibited.

4. Secure Public Wi-Fi Connections.

Protect your company’s data from hackers on public Wi-Fi networks by ensuring employees use a VPN for a secure connection. This precaution prevents unauthorized access to sensitive information, even on unfamiliar Wi-Fi networks.

5. Enhance P2P Connection Security.

While VPNs are often used by illicit file sharers, legitimate businesses can leverage VPNs for secure P2P file sharing. It is advisable to use a VPN even if your ISP allows P2P services, as an added security measure to safeguard your company’s data from potential risks.

6. Protect Privacy from Websites.

Use a VPN to shield your browsing activities from websites that may track and sell your data. By concealing your location, a VPN ensures your anonymity online, making it difficult for websites to collect identifiable information about you or your company.

Whether you are new to VPNs or a seasoned user, these tips can help you maximize the potential of this effective online tool. Utilize your VPN to enhance security, broaden your browsing horizons, and optimize cost savings.

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