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7 Financial Planning Resolutions You Will Actually Keep


As we move into February, many of us have set resolutions for the new year. While goals like getting in shape or reconnecting with old friends are common, improving our financial situation is also a top priority for many. However, staying committed to these financial resolutions can be challenging. To help you stay on track, here are some practical financial resolutions that you can realistically maintain throughout the year.

1. Establish a Budget, even if you struggle to stick to it

A budget serves as a financial playbook, guiding you on how to allocate your money across different categories. It provides a clear overview of your financial needs. Your budget can be tailored to your preferences, whether setting strict expense limits or allowing for occasional splurges. By creating a budget, you enhance your financial awareness and understanding, even if you don’t adhere to it strictly.

2. Keep Enjoying Coffee, but Reduce Expenses

Instead of completely cutting out your coffee habit, consider ways to save on coffee-related expenses. Brewing coffee at home or opting for store-bought options can significantly reduce costs. The goal is to minimize unnecessary spending on everyday items, not just coffee. Identifying and cutting back on such expenses can lead to substantial savings.

3. Assess Your Financial Security

Evaluate the stability of your income, track your expenses for any concerning trends, and review your savings habits. Understanding your financial security status is crucial for making informed financial decisions and setting realistic goals.

4. Develop a Savings Plan

Creating a savings plan is essential for safeguarding your finances. Even initiating a plan, regardless of the amount saved, sets you on the path towards financial security. Establishing a savings routine is a fundamental step in achieving long-term financial stability.

5. Pursue Additional Income Opportunities

Exploring part-time or freelance opportunities can boost your income and provide a financial buffer. Having a concrete income goal from a side gig can help you stay motivated and focused on improving your financial health.

6. Consult with a Financial Professional for Guidance

Scheduling a meeting with a financial expert, such as a CPA or tax professional, can offer valuable insights and strategies for managing your finances effectively. Seeking professional advice is a proactive step towards building a secure financial future.

7. Stay Committed and Persistent

Consistency and persistence are key to achieving financial success. By maintaining focus on your goals and staying dedicated to improving your financial literacy, you can cultivate positive financial habits that will benefit you in the long run.


By implementing these financial resolutions and staying true to your financial plans, you can work towards a healthier financial outlook and greater stability in the year ahead.

    7 Financial Planning Resolutions You Will Actually Keep was originally published on Due by Kiara Taylor.

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