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The Power of In-App Marketing Campaigns: Re-Engage Your Customers and Drive Growth


No matter how well your business is doing, maintaining a 100% success rate is nearly impossible. Losing customers over time is inevitable, whether due to unsatisfactory experiences or waning interest. However, just like reconnecting with old friends, re-engaging with former customers through win-back marketing campaigns is key.

As the Head of Customer Success at LoyaltyPlant, I have had the privilege of assisting numerous brands in launching mobile applications with advanced loyalty programs and marketing capabilities to foster meaningful communication with customers.

By employing in-app marketing campaigns, these brands have successfully enhanced customer engagement and achieved significant growth.

What are In-App Marketing Campaigns?

In-app marketing campaigns involve sending push notifications of attractive deals to users once they open the app. The success of such campaigns lies in targeting the right audience, at the right time, with relevant offers tailored to their interests.

Instead of mass messaging, segmentation based on customer demographics and purchase history ensures personalized offers that stand out to each customer.

In-app marketing campaigns offer a range of strategies to help businesses achieve their objectives, with win-back campaigns being particularly effective in re-engaging inactive customers.

Reasons to Re-engage and Retain Customers

Customers go through various stages with a business, and it’s crucial to focus on post-purchase communication to maintain their interest and prevent customer loss.

Neglecting post-purchase engagement can lead to lost customers, including those who were once loyal. Customer retention is essential for long-term brand loyalty and cost-effectiveness, as acquiring new customers is significantly more expensive than retaining existing ones.

Customer retention offers benefits like increased customer loyalty, valuable insights, and higher profitability.

Many businesses prioritize acquiring new customers over retaining existing ones, highlighting the importance of a robust customer service strategy.

Effectively Winning Back Customers

Traditionally, win-back campaigns relied on email marketing, but with the rise of mobile and digital technology, in-app marketing campaigns have become more effective in engaging customers.

By using push notifications on mobile devices, businesses can effectively recapture the attention of dormant customers and drive re-engagement.

For instance, Papa John’s UAE successfully re-engaged “super-lapsed” customers by sending personalized messages and offers based on their purchase history, resulting in a significant increase in profit and customer redemption rates.

Advantages of In-App Mobile Marketing

Unlike promotional emails that often go unnoticed, in-app push messages have a higher chance of reaching and engaging the audience effectively.

Statistics show that a significant portion of email campaigns go unopened, underscoring the advantage of in-app messaging in capturing user attention promptly.

The LoyaltyPlant platform can help optimize the timing of push messages for maximum open rates and conversions based on peak order volume analysis.

Tips for Launching Effective In-App Win-Back Campaigns

Segmenting users based on behavior and preferences is key to enhancing customer experience and engagement. Avoid sending irrelevant messages to users by creating segments based on customer cohorts and RFM parameters.

Utilizing control groups to validate campaign effectiveness and targeting the right audience with tailored messages are essential for successful in-app marketing campaigns.

Craft clear and engaging messages using simple language to capture user attention effectively within the limited space of in-app notifications.


In-app messaging plays a vital role in multi-channel marketing strategies, especially in win-back campaigns aimed at re-engaging inactive users for improved customer retention rates.

Personalized in-app messages help build stronger customer relationships, provide relevant information, gather valuable feedback, and enhance user experience, ultimately driving customer loyalty and revenue growth.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Monstera; Pexels; Thank you!

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