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Why We Shouldn’t Be In Love With Startups 


We all enjoy a captivating narrative, particularly those that involve a journey from struggle to success. We are fascinated by the stories of companies like Microsoft, Facebook, and Uber that went from zero to unicorn status. Such tales often serve as a symbol of the American dream, suggesting that with dedication and funding, anyone can elevate their business to great heights.

However, our infatuation with startups may be unfounded, especially for those looking to cater to or target this particular market segment.

What Draws Us to Startups?

The typical startup narrative is enticing:

  • Founded by young entrepreneurs
  • One or more founders dropped out of prestigious universities
  • Started in a garage, basement, or dorm room
  • Received substantial funding from notable venture capitalists
  • Grew to serve millions or even billions of users
  • Exitted lucratively at a young age

While these stories are intriguing, they represent the exception rather than the norm. Here are some startup statistics to underscore this point:

  • Only 20% of startups survive past their second year
  • By year two, the failure rate climbs to 34%
  • At the end of year three, the failure rate reaches 42%
  • By year four, 53% of startups have failed
  • Startups in industries like construction, utilities, transportation, retail, finance, insurance, and real estate face an average failure rate of 40%

Our fascination with startups might stem from a desire to be part of these fairy-tale stories. We yearn to be the visionary founders experiencing the adrenaline-fueled journey to success.

This fascination is evident in the media, with outlets like Fortune, Entrepreneur, Inc., and Forbes regularly featuring startup stories and promoting “the next big thing,” despite the fact that the economy is largely driven by conventional industries owned by private equity rather than venture capital.

Why We Should Approach Startups Cautiously

Amidst the abundance of data highlighting the high failure rate of startups, there are other compelling reasons to reconsider our fascination with this sector.

  1. Lack of Funding

The Pareto Principle applies to startups, with roughly 20% of them securing over 80% of the funding. This leaves the majority of well-intentioned startups struggling to finance their ambitious endeavors. Many startups fail due to running out of cash before becoming profitable.

For businesses looking to pitch products or services to startups, it can be risky given the financial constraints. While a few successful partnerships exist, most startups lack the resources to engage in high-cost advisory services. This disparity in funding often hinders unfunded or underfunded startups from competing effectively.

Even innovative startups may struggle if they cannot access sufficient resources to support their growth.

In this scenario, targeting more established businesses with stable budgets may be a more viable option, especially for those offering premium services.

  1. Lack of Demand

Having been involved in funding and assisting startups, I’ve encountered numerous ambitious ideas. However, a common trait among failing startups is the absence of substantial demand for their offerings. While the market potential may be significant, the actual demand for services like solar-powered toilets in developing countries or radical democratic reform often falls short.

Startups require substantial demand to sustain their operations and thrive.

  1. Poor Management

Many startups are overseen by inexperienced individuals lacking the necessary operational, managerial, sales, and financial skills to drive growth. Inadequate managerial expertise is cited as a leading cause of startup failure, with some founders unable to effectively scale their businesses.

  1. Competition with Established Brands

Some startups attempt to penetrate markets dominated by global giants. For instance, I encountered a local startup intending to compete with industry giants like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud with limited resources. The scale required to compete with such established brands would likely exceed their financial capabilities, let alone the technical challenges.

Guidance for Startups

While some advocate for embracing failure as a learning opportunity, most startups aspire to achieve enduring success. Avoiding common pitfalls and fostering a conducive environment for growth are crucial steps in this journey:

  • Forming a skilled and cohesive management team is paramount for success.
  • Obtaining adequate funding or pursuing rapid profitability is essential to sustainability.
  • Identifying untapped market opportunities and avoiding direct competition with industry giants can boost chances of success.
  • Developing products or services with high demand and profit margins is key for long-term viability.

Addressing these fundamental aspects can enhance a startup’s prospects and mitigate potential obstacles.

Recommendations for Startup Advisors

If you intend to engage with startups as a business owner, proceed cautiously or limit your involvement to a small fraction of your overall business strategy. Prioritize businesses with stable budgets capable of driving growth and sustaining your operations.

While serving startups can be lucrative, it is advisable to diversify your client portfolio and avoid over-reliance on this volatile sector for sustained growth.


While acknowledging the innovation, perseverance, and success stories within the startup ecosystem, caution is warranted when targeting startups as B2B clients. Rather than focusing solely on startups, directing efforts towards established businesses may offer more stability and growth opportunities. Balancing excitement for new ventures with a pragmatic approach can lead to more sustainable long-term success.

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