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Elemind: Wearable AI offers ‘electric medicine’ via brain stimulation

A team of scientists, doctors, and entrepreneurs has secured $12 million in initial funding for a novel noninvasive health wearable fueled by artificial...

Top Reasons for Using Illustrations to Amplify Games UI/UX Design

In the modern digital era, applications and websites rely on UX/UI designers to drive product sales. Both UX and UI designers must demonstrate...

Rockstar Games: Grand Theft Auto 6 developers ordered back to office

Rockstar Games, the developers behind the incredibly popular Grand Theft Auto franchise, have told staff that they are expected to be in the office five days per week starting in...

10 Ways to Use Instagram Stories Highlights for Healthcare Marketing in 2024

Instagram has emerged as a top social media platform for businesses in various sectors, with Instagram stories offering a unique channel for interactive...

Is Your Marketing Strategy Up to Date? 6 Killer Marketing Tips Every Start-up Business Should Try in 2022

Starting a new business can be tough. Limited budget, minimal resources, and fierce competition are just a few hurdles you may face. If...

B2B Marketing Through LinkedIn: Strategies To Succeed

In today's digital landscape, having a strong online presence through digital marketing is essential for business success. It is crucial to utilize various...

The Power of In-App Marketing Campaigns: Re-Engage Your Customers and Drive Growth

No matter how well your business is doing, maintaining a 100% success rate is nearly impossible. Losing customers over time is inevitable, whether...

ChatGPT: The Future of Content Creation For SEO

ChatGPT: The Future of Content Creation For SEO ChatGPT has gained significant attention since its launch in November 2022. The latest version, ChatGPT-4, has...

Collaboration Between Marketing and Customer Experience (CX) is Critical

Businesses need to invest in marketing to boost awareness, attract customers, and drive sales for sustained growth and success. Developing a strong marketing...

9 Ways to Improve Your Online Presence in 2024

Establishing a strong online presence is crucial for businesses looking to grow sustainably and gain more visibility in the constantly changing digital world....

Sponsored Links in Enhancing SEO: Is It Worth It?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves enhancing websites' visibility and traffic by improving their ranking on search engine results pages. While there are various time-consuming...

How Generative AI Can Help Shape the Future of Marketing

Generative AI, the latest technology sensation, is making waves with its remarkable capabilities once deemed impossible for computers. With the release of ChatGPT-3...